Welcome to the Queen Charlotte on-line parent-teacher interview booking system.
Appointment scheduling for parents will be available to book online starting on Tuesday, Nov. 12th at 8 AM and remain open until Tuesday, Nov 19th at 3 PM using this website:https://qc.parentteacherconferences.net/
HOW TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT: You will be able to view the subject teacher's calendars and schedule appointments once you have pressed the "click here to register" button and entered your child into the system. If you registered last year for a set of interviews, you can login using the same login information as last time. If you forgot your login or password you can use the "Forgotten Password Recovery" button.
Interview times for Queen Charlotte are available by phone or in person. In-person interview appointments will take place on...
- Thursday Nov 21st from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM and
- Friday Nov 22nd from 8:30 AM to 12 PM.
You can book 2 time slots with your child’s core subject teachers (Math, Science, Social Studies, English, French) and EAL teachers. Our specialist teachers will have open times available and you do not need to book a time with them as they will be available on a first come first serve basis. Our specialist subjects include: All Exploratory A and Exploratory B, Phys Ed, Health and Band.
EAL parents who would like to book an interpreter for their interviews, please use this form (https://forms.gle/4Jt94pVVvm1fssh4A) to request an interpreter. Parents can also bring a friend as the interpreter as interviews take place on the same 2 days for all schools across P.E.I. and there are only so many interpreters available.
If you prefer a phone call in lieu of signing up for an in-person interview, please send an email to the subject teacher you would like to speak to and include your phone number. Each teacher will contact you to set up a call that will take place between Monday, Nov 18th and Friday, Nov 22nd. Please see our website (https://queencharlotte.edu.pe.ca/about/staff-directory) if you are looking for a teacher's name and subject and where their room is located.
Parent login is not permitted at this time.
On-line appointment booking is not permitted at this time.
Registration for new accounts is not permitted at this time.